
Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis

Branches are brown with small thorns, not sharp. Fuchsia flowers in April member of the rose family usually five petals. Compound leaves, groups of three. Found closer to the water. Leaves are double teethed/ serrated. 

Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus 

Broad leaf shaped like a maple leaf except soft and fuzzy. Usually five lobes. Its berry is similar to a raspberry. White flowers blooming in early May also part of the rose family with five petals. 

Lady fern Atherium filix-femina

Leaflets are three times cut. Compound leaves making a delicate lacy pattern

Sword Fern Polysticum munitum

Persists year round. Leaflets are once cut and sword shaped. Very common all around Ravenna

Red Flowering Current Ribes sanguineum

Hot pink clusters of flowers. Part of the Rose family, five petals. Shrubby tree. Leaves are simple and shaped like a goose foot. 
Dull Oregon Grape Mahonia nervosa

Leaflets are flatter and duller than Tall Oregon Grape. Usually 9-15 leaflets. Drought tolerant. Found closer to the ground.

Indian Plum Oemleria cerasiformis

Tastes and smells like cucumber. Smooth oval leaves. noticeable strands when you pull the leaves apart.

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