Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mycology at Ravenna
May 30 2014
3:00 warm

This week at Ravenna I set off to find as many species of fungi that I could. I was able to explore some different parts of the park. Fungi are decomposers of dead organic material and the mushrooms I found were growing on dead trees on on the forest ground on dead leaves. 

Agrogybe praecox 

Button Mushroom Agaricus bisporus

I found bunches of Fairy Ring Mushrooms growing together close to the ground on the side of the path sloping down to the creek. 

Fairy Ring Mushroom. Has a distinctive bump in the center of the cap, slim stem and white gills. 
Turkey Tail Mushrooms. Found growing on a fallen tree attached to the wood. semi-circular with various shades of green and brown rings. Wavy and wrinkled hard texture.

Agrogybe praecox 
 Artists Fungus growing on the side of a dead hollowed out tree. 

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