Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 6
Ravenna Park
May 20 
warm, sunny

Before I reached my observation spot, I saw an American Robin on the path. It kept walking around on the ground  stopping and poking at the dirt. I followed it for a while in the open area , eventually it flew into a tree.

I noticed the Snowberry beginning to bloom. Small pink buds growing out from the branches. 

Photo at my observation site. There is still a noticeable path but has definitely shrunk due to the growth of English Ivy on the ground. 

I tried to capture a photo of two Pacific Wrens I saw in a Beaked Hazelnut (lower left corner). They were making a lot of noise probably signs of aggression. They would perch still for a second then seemed to be chasing each other to a new branch.  

Another  photo of Ravenna creek, now it is hard to see the water because of the growing Salmonberry, Giant Horsetails and Pacific Yew

The Pacific Yew is growing new needle at the tip of  each leaf. 

In addition to the American Robin and Pacific Wren. I heard a Song Sparrow continually calling then I saw it perched in the lower branches of a Big Leaf Maple!

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