Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Journal 5

Ravenna Park 
May 12 2014 2:00
warm, sunny

 It has been a couple weeks since I have been back at Ravenna Park and a relief to be in the shade of the trees on this sunny Monday. Overall there has been lots of signs of growth. The Tall Oregon Grape has produced new leaves. The fiddleheads on the sword ferns have pretty well unfurled by now the Lady ferns are also unfolding. I went down to the creek to look for most of the invertebrates although the Darkling Beetle was crawling around my feet at my observation spot. I also noticed more birds today;  American robins and Pacific Wren.   

Darkling Ground Beetle. Found crawling along the forest floor and on my bag. Shiny black armor, about 1 inch long. 

Rhododendron I just noticed today. 

 I got stuck in the mud....

Another new flowering plant I saw today. Close to the ground, periwinkle flowers with 3 petals. 

A very well camouflaged brown Daddy-Long-Legs on a log. 

This is the same spider as above seen better on a mossy area. 

Beautiful Tall Oregon Grape leaflet, it looks like it is painted. 

Photo from my observation spot. 

More Tall Oregon Grape, the new leaves are no longer limp but still much lighter green. 

Some hard light green berries on Tall Oregon Grape. 

Also unsure of this plant, maybe Bird's -foot trefoil. Found by the Water, jagged leaves close to the ground with yellow flowers. 

Abundant Giant Horsetail

The flowers are gone on Salmonberry, but the berries are out, firm and pale orange, still pretty sour. 

Huge Skunk Cabbage 

I noticed a lot of this white froth on the stems of Western Buttercup. 

California Prionus crawling on a Lady Fern 

Moth fly ?

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee 

Common Midge

I don't know what this is, hanging on a transparent thread from a Western Buttercup

Common Pillbug

Giant Crane Fly

Deer Mushroom 


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